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Yang Safia On Thursday, October 28, 2010

Where do you stand?

Personally, the first video made me cringe. I've never been pro for this and will never be.

The second video: I applaud this woman. I wish I'm like her. :)

Exam update: 1 more paper to go and I'm freeeeeeee!!
Yang Safia On Friday, October 22, 2010
I decided to take a break from studying and go for a picnic with Anna today. This time it's special because this will be my last time seeing Anna before she goes back to Kiri Kiri. She's graduating this year and I won't be seeing her like I used to. In fact, she's applying for a job in Taiwan to teach English. Oh my God, so COOL!! I sort of envy her but at the same time, I'm happy because she gets to do what she loves and she gets to live the dream.

Did you know Asian countries such as Japan and Korea will only accept English teachers from western countries? Preferably white? :(

Damn you racist job requirements!

Anyways, I made egg sandwich and brought a lot of munchies for our picnic at the Botanical Garden.

This is my second trip there since my last one was with my family. It depresses me every time I go to places that I used to visit with them.

Anna managed to get Ben to give us a lift so we went there...find a spot...and eat...and obviously, gossip. Mostly about my ridiculous flat drama but we also talked about her future plans. It's SO EXCITING!

Sushi that Anna made. Yeah, I gobbled these like crazy.

Anna's homemade Vegan Chocolate Cake. YUM!


Anna wanted to show me how to make Daisy chains and I was just busy trying to get good pictures of the park. I'm such a bum since I don't even bother to stand up and walk.

Daisy chains!

All the best Anna! Enjoy this new chapter of your life and GET SKYPE!! :D I'll visit you in Kiri Kiri!
Yang Safia On Sunday, October 17, 2010
I feel so bad for not giving attention to the blog lately. Well most of you would know why I'm so busy anyways. Finals are in a week and I AM FREAKING OUT! >_<

After our adventure in Fiordland, the three of us made our way to Queenstown the next day. It was Shaza's birthday so I made a special birthday call and later I called home just to tell the folks I'm alive and well. Pretty much I made all the necessary calls before "disappearing" again. (We don't get phone signals when we're on the road. What do you expect when left and right all you see are mountains!)

On the road again!

The journey took us about 3 hours and we decided to stop at Devil's Staircase for lunch. Since I was fasting, I pretty much slept throughout the journey. It was like snap a couple of pictures, sleep and snap and sleep.

Our ride!

Devil's Staircase is about 20minutes away from Queenstown and my god, the view is majestic. I don't know why they call it the Devil's Staircase because all I could see was mountains, high cliffs (maybe this is the D's staircase?) and blue/green ocean.

Before the two start eating lunch, we camwhored first.

I just realized that we didn't get any good shot of the scenery!! Arghh to busy camwhoring I guess.

A picture of the two before I doze off again. =_=

QUEENSTOWN BABY!! Again not what I expected. I thought it was going to be big but it's a town alright. I should seriously minimize my expectations for cities in New Zealand. They're just not that big.

Checked in at backpackers and we didn't waste anytime to tour the place! Besides, I was getting ravenous so we needed to find a place for iftar fast!

So finally we decided on an Indian restaurant for iftar. One thing I notice about NZ is that most of its Indian restaurants are halal.

Seriously, don't travel during fasting. Not only you don't get to try out things, you don't even have the energy to be enthusiastic at times! Just look at my face. It just screams out RELIEF!

Afterwards we start to hunt for dessert. We went to this famous chocolate dessert place and my God, it was HEAVEN!

(I can just imagine my mum using this fact to berleter me why I'm so fat)

Rique thinking how to start.

I'm so full and I didn't get to finish my ice cream!

Walked around town some more to burn off the calories. Posed under this shop sign because we just have to! Pretty much described us girls perfectly! ;p

And then that's the end of Day 3!

To my parents: In my self defense, the reason why I look so big in these pictures is because I just happen to be with very small people. Therefore their smallness emphasize my bigness. And my face was swollen because I slept too much. :(