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Yang Safia On Saturday, February 23, 2013
If you've been keeping up with this blog you will know that I did visit Wellington before moving out of my flat in Dunedin. In fact it was when I shot the perfume parody with Jie En and also with Tim  for the testimonial video. Yeah, it was then. I stayed there with the Choongs for about a week and it was real good fun!

I spent my first three days there just chilling with the gang at the flat. We did have a crazy episode of finding Ning's perfect dress for her friend's wedding. Considering that Wellington is about an hour away (via train), I felt that I needed to plan my trips carefully. I contacted a few friends and off me and Jie En went!

Us waiting for the train. Up and early in the morning!

In one of the newer trains. We had fun saying the names of the pit stops along the way! Petone, Waterloo, Taita and this really long one that I just can't remember!

Statue of Mahatma Gandhi in front of the railway station.

We met up with my Classics classmate, Shafiqah who lives in Wellington. She pretty much gave us a full tour of the city and it is safe to say that I am in LOVE with Wellington. It is my kind of city fo sho! Not too big, not too small. Nice people and very artsy.

Us in front of the NZ Government's parliament called The Beehive.

For Jie En, her dream one day is to enrol at Victoria's Law School. We totally berangan about how she will be this tres chic Law student, carrying her law books in one hand and a cup of latte in the other! 

Lambton Quay

Throughout my trip, Hobbit fever was in full effect. It was really cool to be caught up in it. Everyone was reading the book, be it on the train or at the cafes lining the streets of Wellington. Of course you will find real-sized figurines at random places like Whitcoulls.

Random Harry Potter bit at the train station as I made my way back to Taita.

The next day, we met up with Shafiqah again and she brought us to the Weta cave in Miramar. The Weta Studio is a local special effects company that is in charge of all the special effects, from props to CGI in the LOTR series, Eragorn, Narnia and many more. So the Weta Cave is their small museum for fans of the movies. For avid fans, they also sell limited edition of props from the movies.

These things are like real weapons. They are mad heavy brah! I would know because I get to hold some during my LOTR tour in Queenstown.

The actual Baggins agreement I think.

On the way back, you can see Smeagol creeping everywhere. 

The pictures below are some of the laughs shared at Ning's place.

My last day before my flight, I decided to go to the city again and spend a day with Ikmal!

The view I see everyday as I wait for my train.

I took a bus and arrived somewhere near Cuba Street. Again, you can see some Hobbit fever going on. It was a really nice (and hot) day in Wellington. You sure don't get weather like this often in Dunedin.

I met up with Ikmal and he took me to a really artsy cafe that he likes. I would tell you the name of the cafe is I remember but...I don't.

Been eyeing this book shop for the past two trips that I've been to Wellington. It is seriously a place of pure amazingness and maybe I don't have rezeki to really explore the shop but this time, I got to browse la. 

Seriously?! If I didn't have a baggage limit, I would've gone crazy.

Then Ikmal brought me to the fancier and arty street of Wellington. There it housed some local boutiques and we went in to try some stuff. 

Ikmal with a pair of Ksubi shades.

That lady was real nice to us. I like it when shop attendants just provide that enough space for me to browse and be helpful at the same time.

The last picture in the album. After that I had lunch with a couple of Ikmal's friends and I went home basically. 

And now onto the awkward section of this post. Blogspot is being weird and I can't be bother to relocate these pictures despite being out of sync with the flow. So uhh, enjoy.

Less than three,
