YESH!!! Stephenie Meyer made it into TIME's 100 most influential people of 2008!!! I was literally causing cars to stop on the road when I found out since I was driving at that time!!!! OMG, if dat's not hot news I don't know what is. I just found out though, that there are some people who are slightly disturbed by the fact that Edward sleeps inside Bella's bedroom. I find it entirely normal and sweet. O_o Uh oh. LOL
I mean, Edward Cullen is perfectomundo. He won't do anything to Bella eventhough he said that he could give in to his desires (of drinking Bella's blood but whatever, he can have mine) but we know he wouldn't.

There! It's out in the open for the world to see not that its any mystery. *sighs* If only he's a real guy...Oh well. Back to reality.
1) As much of the hype of me going into Sunway College, I'm going to study in UIA instead much to my dismay. So y'all pray for me so that I'll survive with those...kind of people. Not my type really. Bye bye awesomely hot rich guys and parties. Hello Arabic lessons~! *note the sarcasm*
2) The only highlight of my life at the moment (and thanks to Hawa for being a good sport of driving me to the mall since I'm still shaken over my first accident) is that Stephenie Meyer's new novel, The Host is OUT! YES!!! It's here in Malaysia!! *does a victory dance* I was hyperventilating when I saw the books (and of coz I bought it even if I had to use my ever-decreasing money) at MPH. But beware tho, it's for adults but IDK what themes in there that suggested that this is for adults since I havent finished reading it yet (Chapter 2 baby!) but if you're a step. meyer fan, READ IT! For the lil kids...let your parents read it first and see whether they let you read or not. I know, it sucks but at least they bought the book so even if they didnt let you read, you can secretly read it. :D
The book cover.

Hot or Not?
MPH price: RM 61.90
So, you're entering UIA soon. :D Good luck! If you're taking Science subject, you'll be ok because PJ campus is actually pretty ok. If you're doing Arts stream.... Nilai will be a good experience to toughen you up. hahah! I survived Nilai and so do a lot of other people. And Arabic isn't that hard, really, once you get the hang of it. The first few weeks is always the hardest but it'll get better. ;) All the best!
So when will the class starts? Or Ayah Ngah dah terlepas keretapi? anyway, good luck and I know you will do fine. In fact more than fine. One word of caution though, just stay away from the African boys (I'm being very racists here).
And really, you don't mind Edward sucking up your blood? That's .... urgh...dia kan hantu... aren't you a bit afraid?
I'M NOT AFRAID!!!!!!! ITS EDWARD!!! *is gettin defensive*
No ayah ngah, u didnt miss the train...im goin on june 10th n that is exactly 4days from now.
N ayah ngah, dun wry...african ppl r not exactly my type unless they look like corbin bleu or chris brown but i doubt it. Heck, i even have things agaisnt arab guys. I dun mind being friends with em tho.
And hey atikah! I'm doing arts n yeah, i know about nilai. i hope i can survive there...hopefully i'll emerge as a new person. i look at it as an oppurtinity to do some soul searching
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