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Yang Safia On Monday, June 23, 2008
Goodness gracious great balls of fire! Another post!! I have to admit, with this much time in my hands I'm quite rajin on updating my blog. So far, nothing fun/extraordinary had happened to me but I'm rly looking forward to this picnic we're having this wednesday! I've got it all planned out...from what I'm wearing to what kind of food I'm bringing! Please please don't let it rain on that day!!!

Anywho I'm just going to talk about random stuff in this post like...nails. Hmn, what about em? Lately I am pretty obsessed with nail polish and nail art. I'm not much of a buffer (buffing my nails I mean) but I'm pretty serious about painting my nails with pretty colors and making art! SO far I havent yet mastered any style tho I am trying to make french manicure.

Oho, lookie 128753th attempt at french manicure.

It seemed to be mighty fine to me tho just the other day someone (*cough*Shaza*cough*) commented that the white line should be straight. Pfft, try doing that yourself mister! Tho shaza is not exactly a

So yeah right now I'm thinking of buying dark blue nail polish and black ones. Oh well, better wait when duit masuk then. =_________=

Like ZOMG, I'm a Sunway student now. I have to admit I'm pretty excited to start my college life there tho I'm having the butterflies lately but I guess that's normal. Today I went there to settle some payments and fpr the first time I get to see the students. So far there are a few cute ones but its either they have girlfriends stuck to them or they're gay (idk for sure but they look gay to me). It made me feel a tad bit uneasy coz "what if I dont fit it?" or "what if they hate me?" but Iman and Dayah said the ppl at Sunway are "okay". Why not just say friendly? It will make things a lot easier. The bottomline is...I'm worried. And I have to decide what subject I want to take...crapola. >__>

What else?




Would you want to kiss YOU?

Like when you look into the mirror and you see yourself rite? Have you ever thought of kissing yourself? While some might do this now and then just to admire themselves but seriously, when you make that kiss face (not the exaggerated one. the serious one) and you look at it...have you ever thought that this is the face that your future husband/wife or significant other or spouse going to kiss and you look like THAT and it's ugly (this is what I think of my face lar)!! I mean, it's disgusting!! I mean like, I have like a dust of hair like facial hair above my lips and I hate it so much and I tried getting rid of it (Sha you know what I'm talking about, you have em too) but scared that it will grow worse and it's disgusting. Like what if my future husband (tho I doubt I'm going to marry since I'm going to be some hotshot ambassador in the future) decides to kiss me and he's going to feel the hair above my lips!!! Arghhh!!! Dam you girls who dont have hair above their lips....

I'm not making much sense am I? It's okay...I dont expect you to understand pon. >_<

So would you want to kiss yuu?


Like ZOMG Jamie Lynn Spears finally gave birth to a baby girl! Like she's soo younger than me and she's a mom already. That is sooo weird tho it's pretty much normal over there to get preggers at such a young age. Hell, I cant even imagine ppl my age getting married. If you listened to this morning, one of the headlines today was this news about how this group (about 17 of em) of 16 year old girls (Aya's age!!!! O_O) made a pact to get preggers and the father to the babies of these girls is a 24yr old homeless man. I didnt know getting knocked up is the latest trend...

Man, that homeless guy must think he's one lucky bastard....I mean, he gets to do IT with 17 sixteen year old girls. What's this world coming to? Hopefully by the time I have my own children (tho I doubt I marry) things will be better. I hope. *gulps*

Well goodness gracious great balls of fire (!) I've run out of things to talk about. Hopefully I'll be rajin again and write "When Randomness Strikes Again!" sometime in the future and hopefully I have time and energy to blog when college starts. Oh God, just the word "college" cause my timbers to shake. x____x

Till then, hasta la vista bebeh!


Mior Azhar said...

Hey Kakak,
You are going to Sunway? Waaah, cooll! I know you will have loads of fun there... just be yourself and you'll be just fine.
Btw whose wedding did you all go to last Saturday?

Yang Safia said...

my cikgu punyer anak. =___= she used to be my KH tutor.

Scarred Soul said...



You know Yuu!!!

As in... Yuu Shirota!!!

Haha... Sangat lah over reacting kan with all those exclamation marks.

Use to like him, about two years ago after watching Prince of Tennis.

But I'm in love with somebody else now...haha, exaggerate lagi.

Jaejoong of TVXQ is my eye candy now...huhu.

All the best for you in Sunway!

Yang Safia said...

LOL!! It's ok to exaggerate sometimes!! I know TVXQ and they're soooo HAWT! Tho idk which one u like coz my sisters love em, i just love to look at them. =3

ps: i live on exaggeration. lmao