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Blogger templates

Yang Safia On Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Well this is unfortunate. Blogging seems a lot harder now that I'm home. I'm starting to run out of ideas because so many of the ones I'm working on are not turning out the way I wanted them to. The picture above is actually a still from a book haul video I did. I finished editing when the freaking video editor won't render the video. The reason would be that a) I'm trying out this new video editing program and b) I just got a new laptop so I'm still trying to figure it out.

I've also been angry lately. I know I'm going off tandem here but a rant strikes. I just have been very angry about my lack of activity as of late that it is starting to affect my confidence. I'm worried about a lot of things and I do find myself taking out on everyday things. AKA driving. I have zero patience on the road these days it's not even funny. I even take it out on my family and friends, whether they realize it or not lah.

I'm just plain ol' snarky.

I'm also angry about my body. Deep down, I know that I'm just putting way too much pressure on my diet and the general overview of my life. I need an outlet. That's why I thought I should start making videos but it hasn't been going too well. Which makes me more angry!

There's nothing motivational about this post that I can share with you guys. I just want to wallow in my negative energy.  D:


Unknown said...

Sayang, life after study is tough. No doubt about that. I understand where you are coming from and both myself and nings could relate. It takes a while, but just be patient. Do something you love that doesn't stress you out in anyway. Take care sayang.