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Yang Safia On Friday, April 18, 2008
Welcome to my 4th attempt of writing a blog! Hopefully this one sticks or better yet; I have readers! I've decided to post my original works here so that the public can read them. I've tried but it's not working so well. Hopefully you'll love my stories. FYI, my works are greatly influenced by great Young Adult authors like Meg Cabot...not that I got my ideas from her books. We (we?) from amateur writer say NO! to plagiarism!!! I hope you random people out there who stumbled upon this lowly blog of mine look forward to my current and future works! BANZAI!




Mior Azhar said...

Wooo hooo. This is fantastic! You go Safia!

Ayah Ngah

anom said...


This is great.. Wan Anom pun selalu gak visit Safianye blog dulu.. keep on writing.. U have the talent..

Wan Anom

Yang Safia said...

to wan anom n ayah ngah! thanks!!! :)

Mop said...

Salam Safia
Ayah lang also like to support ur latest project. Like Wan anom, ayh lang rasa Safia ader talent in writting... :). Who knows you can sell ur project later on... Ur abah would like that idea very much, I think.... ok

Yang Safia said...

Thanks ayah lang! nanti mane tau in 10yrs time kakak publish novel sendiri...looks like ayah lang kene siap sedia la nak kene beli! :)