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Yang Safia On Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas everyone!

Hawa invited us four to her sister's wedding on Christmas. Shaza received her call when the four of us went on a shopping spree on the 24th. Quite an impromptu decision but it's been so long since the foursome get to  do something together so a chance for a second day of AWESOME FOURSOME is a definite HELL YEAH. 

We were a bit lost and after a car ride full of kecoh-ness, we arrived at the wedding...starving. I'll spare the details on the damage done but we were um...satisfied. :P

But it was soooo good to see Hawa after our 2 years of separateness. Haha. Thats what happens when your holidays don't meet. I can't wait to spend some quality time with her before she leaves for Japan again. 

After the wedding, the foursome find themselves at Wondermilk in Damansara. I'll let the pictures do the talking but it's been a long time since I had a laugh with these girls. Too long I'm afraid.

What happens when the camera flashes before you're ready. I love this picture! It's so US!

Got a bit sesat here and there and the girls soon sesat to my place for some rambutan.

This picture is not a 100% posey-posey ok. They do act like this at my place. No shame these girls. 

Sara with my youngest cousin, Baby Noura! They were a bit obsessed with her quite a bit.

Shaza being annoying about her facts. One thing about her is that she tends to go ON and ONNN about statistics. This time, she was trying to prove that the number of men is actually more than women in Malaysia. Thus why it shouldn't be hard for the three of us to find a boyfriend. As usual, we ignored her. It's for her own good anyway. 

It's moments like this that makes me miss Malaysia. AWESOME FOURSOME REUNITE! :D