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Yang Safia On Thursday, April 5, 2012
Hey guys! I'm back with a brand new post. I'm on Easter holiday right now and I will be going away for a roadtrip with some friends. While I'm doing that I'll leave you guys with a collective book haul that I started since I'm back in New Zealand. I hope you guys enjoy!

Warning: This haul is recorded in one take so excuse my incoherent ramblings!


Inigo Montoya (no really, it's aysha) said...

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Now prepare to die.

Yang Safia said...

hahahahahaha!! random!!

Yang Safia said...

btw aysha, is that a spoiler i see? GO AWAY!

Aysha said...

It's from the movie! I haven't read the book yet.