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Yang Safia On Sunday, October 14, 2012
Today before I went to gym, I decided to check out the new Sunday market that Dunedin decided to hold regularly from now on. I can't believe there were so many people! The things that they sell are more handicraft centred and there weren't a lot of fresh foods like the ones they have at Farmer's Market. This event is located inside the Forsyth Barr stadium.

As per tradition, what new Kiwi event is complete without a Maori performance. I wouldn't call this Haka because it's not. I think the songs that they sing are more songs of welcome and to ensure prosperity and happiness. You know, all that jazz. Finally I got a good shot!! And I managed to catch some parts on video! So pure win!!

Some of the not-Haka performances that I managed to get on video!

And after working my butt off at the gym, I went home to cook lunch, had the awesomest shower and the bestest nap. Yeaaaaaap, my Sunday was awesome!