I guess it's been a long time since I posted an actual entry here. I've been busy if you haven't noticed, with college and getting used to things. So that explains my
absence but I bet you haven't even notice it. :p
So just to tell y'all about my new life in
Sunway College...it's been two weeks now since I've started my classes and yes, I guess my life is sort of different from your average local Malaysian college life. Obviously the facilities here are in great shape but that's why we paid so much money right? It all comes down to that and of course to pay all those Canadians lecturers. I wouldn't say I'm leading a REAL uni life since my program pretty much is like high school only the Canadian kind and oh yeah, one word. International. I got the privilege to meet people my age who came from every parts of this world and as much as it is interesting...it can be really shocking too. I may be local but in this program, I'm every bit of foreign myself since I'm sort of the minority in this program.
Anyways, I'm proud that I now have friends from Bostwana, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Maldives, Jordan, China and etc. (^___^)
If you're wondering what subjects I'm taking for my first semester...there's three of em.
1) English For College (I'm just at the intermediate level, the advance level is called English For Uni which I refused to enter! (^__^))
2) Individuals and Families in Diverse Society (In other words, sociology)
3) Mathematics for Data Management (I hate this subject but I have to take at least ONE math subject. It's either this or advance function and calculus)
So yeah, I friggin love my English and Socio classes tho I don't rly enjoy the homework and assignments we have to do. My body is set to vacation mode so it might take awhile to get it up and running like usual. (=__=)
Yesterday my English teacher, Mr Tan said that he wanted us to create a blog as our assignment. Hell, I have to admit I was ecstatic but the rest of the class didnt agree so it's still on hold. PS: If you're really evil like you claimed to be Mr Tan, I suggest you give this project a go. *grins evilly*
**I doubt I'm going to use this blog for my class assignment since I said a lot of bad things which could result in deducting marks. Unless Mr Tan doesnt mind. :)
Another thing I would like to add here is that a friend of mine in my MDM class (Ayesha if you're reading this, yes it's YOU) stumbled upon this lowly blog of mine. Well, if you still want to be my stalker like you said yesterday...GO AHEAD ECAH! In fact I'll have more readers and that means more comments I hope.
Well, I have to get ready now...my first class starts at 10.30am today.
Till then,