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Yang Safia On Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm a bit late (as usual) but Happy New Year everyone! May this new beginning give you prosperous ends. :)

2011 was an amazing year for me. I made NZ a home, I directed a full fledge theatre production, I met some amazing people, I got my first job, I led a (somewhat) healthy lifestyle by exercising (although there's no significant weight loss) and eating healthily, I got my first A for English, I gained some lifelong friends (Secret Club wohoo!) and basically...I grew as a person.

I'm very happy of where I am at this point of my life.

So I'd like to keep my new year's resolutions simple.

a) I want to take my time and experience. I always feel like I rush through my life and never look back. Although this is good in certain aspects, I really should savour my life more. You only live once after all. (And my undergraduate days are about to end!)

b) Travel. I want to see the world more before I settle down with whatever I have in Malaysia. I already have two confirmed destinations to go to and I.AM.EXCITED! Fiji and Korea...LEGGO! :D

And so I start 2012 with... BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRAHIM.