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Yang Safia On Thursday, May 7, 2009
Recently, I've had epiphanies like a LOT. And most of them are bad habits of mine. I think it would be really interesting if I list all of them.

1) I tend to write a lot on my hand. It's like my personal note pad. I'm soooo getting cancer.
2) I swear a lot. (lagi2 sejak masuk college)
3) I'm vain. And i KNOW it.
4) I'm self-centered.
5) I often portray that I care a lot but actually I dont unless it has something to do with me (or beneficial to me, etc)
6) I have an amazing ability to turn the story about something to a story about ME.
7) I like to make mom jokes. AND I BLAME AYESHA FOR ENCOURAGING ME. (why la you have to find it so darn funneh?!)
8) I hate people who are better than me
9) I will not be friends with people who I feel can threatened my capabilities.
10) I'm a bitch
11) I'm easily intimidated which explains my whole me-agaisnt-the-world attitude
12) I'm sensitive
13) I'm fickle
14) I'm financially challenged
15) I'm not articulate which annoys the hell out of meh
16) I eat like a LOT
17) I'm moody
18) I dont smile a lot
19) I'm lazy
20) I call girls (friends, relatives,etc) bitch in my head all the time, even when they dont deserve it sometimes.
21) Camwhore. (I blame Ayesha)
22) I like attention
23) I'm such a gossip
24) I badmouth people sometimes. so UGLY!!
25) I have anger issues
26) I'm sexist. (I just realized that I refuse to read books by a male author. In fact, other than school books, I've never read anything from a male author!! whoa!!)
27) A bit rascist. But who doesnt la?
28)I can hate a person for no absolute reason
29) I'm shallow
30) "I only have 10 bucks left. Good enough to buy your mom for the night!" (see, i told you it was bad)

All I can say...
