One of the things that I find really odd about Dunedin is that there are messages on it's roads. It's like EVERYWHERE! And so I decided to snap some chalk ads and messages that I encountered today. Honestly though, I could have found more but that Murphy's Law to you.

Famished from walking around town, I decided to head back to Toroa and cook myself some lunch! Then that afternoon I decided to join Toroa's trip to Baldwin Street. I figured it would be interesting and I would be able to snap some pictures and post it on the blog.
I thought it would be a good exercise to climb up the street and I did. Boy was it hard but I managed at the end! Haha so proud of myself. Mind you, it was quite hard to get down too.
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Done with Baldwin Street, we took our time to get back to Toroa. We stopped at shops and window shopped. It was a very long walk. It took us thirty minutes just to get here. SO basically it was an hour worth of walk! Basically from now on, my only means of transport are just my legs. No more Myvi baby~
Besides, I did very well. I exercised. I needed a pick-me-up. I TOTALLY deserved it.